Thursday, December 10, 2009

went to Xel Ha today

i like to ride bikes
i rode bikes along a crazy hilly path with trees coming out of the cement, i took a lazy river ride, the life jacket i wore reeked like rancid pussy, it was horrible, i couldn’t wear it. I got stuck behind 2 girls and their mom, one of the girls fell out of her tube and started crying. I got around them, thank god, cause talk about annoying. I couldn’t handle how long it was taking me to finish this ‘lazy river’ so i hoped off and swam. I ate 3 times while there and each time it was just a plate of refried beans and nacho chips. Fuck i love beans.

i snorkelled, saw some fish, got freaked out by rocks, wished i had someone to share the experience with. I rode a bike 3 times; i walked across a floating bridge, which makes you feel like your drunk, walking wise. I swam in a Mayan cave; i jumped off a rock cliff and leaped into a rock cavern pool.
I also got my picture taken with a tucan, 2 parrots and an iguana, but of course didn’t purchase any.

I just scored weed off my cousin and his buddy. Fuck maybe that’s why i’ve been so moody and irritable, from withdrawal. I didn’t even think of that, i know yesterday i was day dreaming of drugs, yeah i smoke alot of pot at home.
the guys are going to hang out with broads they met. Is it weird that i haven’t seen anyone i’m attracted to? I mean i saw some hot guys today at Xel Ha but once they opened their mouths they were French or something. I’ve been checking out alot of girls, lots of ass out and side poon, nothing i’m attracted to, maybe envious of, and alot of train wrecks.
And why hasn’t any tram drivers asked me if i want to buy weed? All i get is ‘you here with family? Single girl? Alone?’ with family i reply, and if they push it i lie and say i have a boyfriend back home. I find none of them appealing in the least, if it was a hot Mexican tram driver, different story, but the only hot Mexicans i’ve seen were the dancers in the show, but come on, they’re dancers, obviously gay, and if not, fuck that, as in, i wouldn’t.
Jesus, it seems like everyone is staring at me. I always forget i have a giant sleeve and people judge me, and stare and it’s lame. I’ve only seen maybe a hand full of people with decent tattoos down here, so maybe it’s the tattoos that make people treat me like a side show attraction. I guess it doesn’t help that I’m rather shy and have been told come across as intimidating.
So i’m an intimidating tattooed fatty which makes everyone stay away, and makes poorly tattooed freaks think i’m their best bud. Whatever, all i know is that Mexicans have good taste in women and tattoos.
I don’t burn i bust out into hives. I should’ve got a base.

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